Breakfast & After School Clubs

Breakfast Club

At Stoke Park Primary we want to ensure that all our children are ready to start the school day in the best possible way.

We run a breakfast club for Years Reception through to Year 6 from 8.00am to 8.45am, which includes breakfast with a choice of cereal, toast, fruit and juice. You may also provide your own nut free breakfast snack.

We are open every weekday during term time excluding INSET days. Your child(ren) can be dropped off between 8.00am and 8.10am, where they will be supervised by school staff and taken to their classrooms ready for the start of the school day at 8.45am.

There is a small charge for breakfast club and all places must be booked termly in advance via the online booking form, which is sent out to all parents.  We understand that there may be occasions when you require a place for breakfast club and haven't booked - please contact the office in this case and we will let you know whether there are any spaces available.

After School Club

Our After School Club is in operation every week day during term time for Years Reception to 6 and provides free flow activities such as: art, outdoor activities and games.

3.15 - 4.15pm which may include a sports activity is £3.00 per session

3.15 - 5.00pm which may include a sports activity and will include a small snack is £8.00 per session

Bookings need to be made a term in advance via the online form which is sent out to all parents.

We understand that there may be occasions when you require a place for after school club and haven't booked - please contact the office in this case and we will let you know whether there are any spaces available.