Welcome to Year 2
Welcome to Class 2’s Page
Staff Team
Class teacher |
Miss Francis |
Teaching assistants |
Mrs Facciponti and Mrs Kaur |
Curriculum Information
During Term 3, we will be learning …
Maths |
Addition and Subtraction of two digit numbers |
English |
Poetry, Non-chronological reports, formal invitations, cultural stories |
Science |
Animals including humans |
Geography |
Comparing contrasting areas (UK and Non-European area) |
History |
The history of flight |
RE |
Different religions, symbols and the importance of candles |
Art |
Drawing, painting, printmaking |
DT |
Cooking and nutrition (balanced diets) |
Music |
Singing (pitch and rhythm) |
Computing |
algorithms and debugging |
PE |
Fundamental movement and balance skills |
Weekly Timetable (with the exception of half termly art and DT days)
Monday |
Reading |
Maths |
Break 10.1510.35 |
Literacy |
Phonics |
Lunch 12.15-13:15 |
Science/ art |
Handwriting |
Tuesday |
Reading |
Maths |
Literacy |
Phonics |
History/ Geo |
Handwriting |
Weds |
Reading |
Maths |
Literacy |
Phonics |
Gym |
Music |
Thurs |
Reading |
Maths |
Literacy |
Phonics |
PE |
Friday |
Phonics |
Maths |
Writing |
Computing |
PE Days
PE in class 2 is on Wednesday and Thursday. Please make sure that you wear a PE kit to school on these days. Our PE kit is plain black shorts; leggings or joggers; plain white or school PE t-shirt; school jumper.
Please read daily at home as much as possible. Ask lots of questions during this time to support their comprehension as well as their decoding skills. Reading books will be changed on Friday. Bedtime books can be changed throughout the week. Acc+elerated Reader Books and Green books can be changed as soon as they have been finished.
For maths practise, regular use of Numbots (you will have received logins and instructions for this) alongside practising every day key skills like telling the time on an analogue clock, recognising coins and measuring in different units.
Useful Information
Please ensure your child brings a water bottle to school each day, along with a spare change of clothes.